Adding & Editing


To add cards to a deck, tap the "Add" button while reviewing.

The "Type" button at the top allows you to select the type of note you’d like to add. For more information about note types, please see the introduction in the computer version’s manual.

When you tap on a field, a keyboard will come up, allowing you to type in information. You can use the next and previous buttons to move between fields.

The toolbar has the following icons:

Mark the text as bold, italics or underline.

Remove formatting.

Sets the text color.

Allows you to add media files from the camera, microphone, photo library or from a file. On iPads, the mic button is shown separately.

Only available on iPads. Allows you to draw an image and attach it to the card. You can later edit a drawn image by holding two fingers on it.

Square root
Shortcuts to subscript/superscript, and MathJax.

Shows a preview of how the card will appear when reviewed.

Reveals the underlying HTML that fields are comprised of.

When you’ve typed in the content of a note, hit the save button to add it to your collection.


To edit a note, tap the "Edit" button while reviewing.

The edit screen is similar to the adding screen mentioned above, with some key differences:

  • There is no note type selection button or deck selection button. If you want to change the type of an existing note, you currently need to do so with the computer version of Anki.

  • There is a "Tools" button at the top of the screen. Tapping on it will allow you to perform actions on the current card or note. Please see the action descriptions for more information on what each action does.


You can search or browse your deck by tapping the "Browse" button while reviewing.

The browse screen will show all the cards in the current deck by default.

You can type text into the search box in order to limit the cards further. If you only wanted to show cards in the current deck that contain the text "hello" for example, you’d modify the text so it says deck:current hello and then tap return. If you wish to search across multiple decks, you can remove the deck:current part.

AnkiMobile supports all the search strings that the desktop version of Anki does, allowing you to perform quite complex searches. Some examples:

tag:marked show cards that with the tag "marked"

is:due show only cards that are waiting for review

front:rabbit show only cards where the front field is exactly "rabbit"

For a full list of the possibilities, please see the section in the desktop manual.

Tapping the Filter button will reveal a list of filters you can apply, like the side bar in the computer version. Tapping on a line will replace the current search; you can also swipe on a line to add to the existing search instead.

The Options button will allow you to change what is shown in the left and right columns, and change the order cards are shown in.

The Select button allows you to select multiple cards at once, and then perform actions on them like changing their deck, or suspending them.